How to use DocuSign
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How to use Docusign



Step One

• Log in to DocuSign (using your CSD log in). Note: that this is different to your Bayer log in.
• Click on Templates (above the blue horizontal banner at the top of the webpage).

Click on the templates button at the top menu bar on Docusign

Step Two

  •  Click Shared with me (grey vertical menu on left hand side).
Click on shared with me on the left menu on Docusign

Step Three

  • Click the USE button (blue button near top on right hand side of page).
Click the blue use button next to the correct form

Step Four

  • A new page will pop up with your branch name and email in 1.
  • Complete grower name and email in 2. In 2, the grower name is the authorised person for the farming entity.
  • Don’t amend 3, it sends a copy of the completed grower agreement to CSD.
  • Click ‘send’.
  • Click ‘sign now’.
  • A new page will pop up with the first page of the CSD Grower Agreement. Press ‘continue’ (yellow button right hand side of page near top).
  • Complete grower name (i.e. the farming entity’s legal name), grower address, grower ABN, grower mobile, grower contact name and grower email in the text boxes with a red outline.
  • Click the ‘sign’ button (yellow button centre bottom of page).
  • Accept the default signature even though it just signs the name of your branch in running writing.
  • Retype grower name (i.e. the farming entity’s legal name) in the text box on left hand side of agreement near the bottom (to the right of the ‘next’ button).
  • Press ‘finish’ (yellow button at bottom centre of page.
  • An email will be sent to the grower requesting them to sign the agreement. A notification will be sent to your email.
  • In the ‘manage’ tab (in the blue horizontal banner at the top of the webpage), there will be a listing of all agreements you have sent along with a summary of their progress (signed, awaiting signature etc.) This will allow you to manage the agreement signing process (i.e. know who has signed, who you need to
    chase up and who you’ve forgotten to send agreements to) 
Screenshot of how form looks on Docusign