Agency Carryover Seed Germination Testing Protocol
Home » Agency Carryover Seed Germination Testing Protocol


CSD provides a free seed germination testing service for both growers and agents.

This allows any seed which may have been surplus to requirements of the previous season, to be tested for germination under standardised lab conditions.

As part of this service, only agents can submit samples for testing.

Why test carryover seed?

Seed is a living organism, and over time and during storage, some seeds can die and germination decline. Exposure to high temperatures and humidity in storage can accelerate this loss of quality.

Why should carryover seed be tested?

The germination testing procedure involves a ten-day cycle (as a minimum). May – June is the ideal time for these samples to be arriving at CSD to enable sufficient time for processing and analysis.

The volume of new seed requiring testing prior to dispatch, climbs exponentially from August onwards. For this reason, it is important that carryover samples are received at CSD prior to mid-July, otherwise the grower or agent may face lengthy delays.

How to take a sample of seed?

Step One

Sample correctly with the sampling spear supplied, according to the intensity outlined in Table 1. Poor sampling affects the likelihood of achieving repeatable results.

No. of bags Sampling Intensity
1 – 20 bags Subsample from every bag and combine into one 250gm sample.
21 – 300 bags Subsample from every 20 bags, or one in every four (whichever is greater) and combine in one 250gm sample.


Step Two

Using a seed sampler, randomly sample the required bags by inserting a spear (with the angle facing down) into each bag. When inserted, rotate the spear so that the angle is facing up. Withdraw the spear slowly and capture the seed in a bag or container. Place a supplied “Sampled by CSD Agent” sticker over each hole.

Step Three

Mix the pooled samples well and take a partial sample of approximately 250gm to be submitted to CSD for testing.

Step Four

This 250gm sample needs to be handled and packaged correctly. Ideally, the seed should be placed in a calico bag/s (or a snap lock bag with all the air expelled) and placed inside a small box or container surrounded by padding or bubble wrap for protection.

Step Five

Do not supply seed in any other type of containers/packaging (see examples to the left of incorrectly packaged seed).

Step Six

Avoid having the sample sitting in the sun in a vehicle for any length of time.

Step Seven

Label correctly with: agent contact details, grower name, seed variety and treatment, AUSlot number and date of sampling.

Step Eight

A separate sample is required for each variety and AUSlot. Please do not send more than one sample for an AUSlot unless they have been stored separately.

Step Nine

Attention your samples to CSD Quality and Research Laboratory and send to either:

Cotton Seed Distributors

“Shenstone”, Culgoora Road

Wee Waa, NSW, 2388


Cotton Seed Distributors

P.O. Box 117

Wee Waa, NSW, 2388