CSD will once again be assessing and awarding crops in various categories this season as part of the crop optimisation program. Each category has a champion and an award, recognising past Australian cotton industry luminaries who have greatly contributed to the industry we see today. The winning grower stands above the rest for the year in each category.
CSD will extend to the industry via case studies what can be learnt from these growers, what management and conditions contributed to, and what influenced their results. This program capitalises on the findings of the successful CSD Ambassador Network. Collaboration with the industry over the last seven years has provided insights into better cotton production allowing growers to benchmark their cotton crop
performance against that of their peers and the industry at large, not only for yield performance but other efficiencies and crop growth metrics as well.
CSD has strived to simplify the data collection and entry process’ while ensuring value and insights are delivered back to participating growers. CSD is looking to work with industry to ensure that there is continual improvement of the Australian cotton crop so that Australia production remains a leader globally.
The awards include;
- Eveleigh, Marshall and Kay Award – Highest potential yield at first flower.
- Peter Glennie Award – Highest yield generated per Day Degree.
- Rob Newell Award – Highest yield equation score.
- Dr Brian Hearn Award – Water use efficiency.
- Dr. Ian Rochester Award – Nitrogen use efficiency.
- Dr. Greg Constable Award – Highest final yield.
- Frank Hadley Award – Best overall crop, highest point score tall.